Whether your grandkids are coming over for a night in the RV, or you want to give your little one a unique birthday party with their friends, having an RV sleepover is simply a blast! But before you send out your invitations, there are some factors you’ll want to consider first so that your slumber party goes off without a hitch! Here’s how to host the perfect RV sleepover!
Create Plenty Of Space

When your sleepover guests start to pour in, you might feel like your RV quickly starts to shrink. Your entryway may evolve into a shoe-scattered death trap or your seating might grow into a mound of backpacks and sleeping bags. To avoid feelings of claustrophobia, make plenty of room for your guests and their belongings. Clear out a wardrobe and some overhead cabinetry, and direct your guests as to where you’d like them to stow away their overnight gear.
Optimize Overnight Accommodations

You’ll also need to have plenty of options for sleeping accommodations. Not all RVs come equipped with impressive sleep capacities like the one found in this Berkshire XLT 43B, but you should still try to utilize all the sleep space that’s available to you. For guests that fall asleep early, put them to bed on a mattress that is already set up, either in the master bedroom or the bunkhouse. Wait to convert your dinette and fold-out sofas into beds until later in the night in order to preserve their functionality. Consider installing bunk curtains for improved privacy, and if you’ve got a twin size air mattress, have it ready for when your guests start getting sleepy later in the night.
Give Tours and Tutorials

Some of your guests may not have ever stepped foot inside an RV before, so when they arrive, help them get acquainted with your rig. Give them the grand tour and explain some of the inner workings. One area you’re definitely going to want to cover is the toilet. Explain how the foot flush works and advise them to use toilet paper sparingly or else septic system issues may occur.
Stock Up Your Pantry

If you want your RV sleepover to be a total bust, skimp on snacks and leave your pantry empty. Food is an essential element to any gathering, so you better bring it in the cuisine department. Try some out-of-the-norm recipes that will add novelty to your overnight party. And make sure you have plenty of munchies such as delicious s’mores muddy buddy, or just have a campfire outside and make real s’mores! Use homemade marshmallows and try fun s’mores variations for an even better treat! And don’t forget about breakfast either! Have something ready for when your guests wake up by making monkey bread or mouthwatering cinnamon rolls.
Have Activities Ready To Go

Staying in an RV is fun in itself, but you are going to want to have some activities in your back pocket for when your guests start getting anxious. Unless the weather’s nice and the sun’s still up, most of your planned activities will probably be indoors so make sure they will work in the confined space that you have. Card games, like Phase 10, are perfect for gathering around the dinette table, and this surface can also be great for making cute crafts that your guests can take with them as party favors. If you want an activity that entertains and satisfies, make ice cream in a bag! When it comes to RV sleepovers, your activities are only limited to your imagination! We hope that your RV sleepover goes off without a hitch and that all your guests have an absolute blast! If you’ve ever thrown an RV sleepover before, give us some of your suggestions and tips by leaving a comment!